Globally Recognized Agency

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What our clients tell us…

  • "SHA has helped me stay motivated as not just a content creator but also as a person. Everything is 10x easier when you have a crew around you that will support & believe in you & do all that they can to make sure you’re on the right track as a person, athlete etc."

    - Elijah Andrews

    Content Creator

  • "Sport House Agency has been the most remarkable experience I’ve been apart of and has open so many doors for me as a Divison 1 college athlete! This agency has given me the opportunity to voice myself in unique ways and be true to who I am. "

    - Karson Martin

    Quinnipiac University WBB

  • "The SHA team has not only been an incredible resource for me in my off-court endeavors but has also been a family for me that I can rely on during the ups and downs of being a collegiate student athlete. "

    - Brandon Rechsteiner

    Virginia Tech MBB